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Pumble CLI

Pumble CLI provides a set of tools that you can use for your app's development and configuration. It will make the process of creating and maintaining your app easier.

To get started you can either install the cli globally npm i -g pumble-cli or use it with npx: npx pumble-cli <command>

To list the available commands and their usage simply use pumble-cli --help or pumble-cli-command --help

Available commands

pumble-cli login

Using pumble-cli login you will be prompted to enter your email address and the verification code that will be sent to your email.
After these steps you are logged in and ready to use the cli.
If you need to log in to another workspace simply use pumble-cli login --force or pumble-cli logout && pumble-cli login
By default this command will save you authorization info in ~/.pumblerc file.

If you need to check in which workspace you are logged in use pumble-cli info

pumble-cli create

With pumble-cli create you will be able to generate a new app.
It will create a default app with some triggers implemented.
You will be prompted to provide some basic information such as name and description.
After this command completes you can simply cd into the newly created directory and start your app with npm run dev
After you execute npm run dev for the first time the Pumble app will be created and installed in your logged in workspace, so you will be ready to test it. While having npm run dev running, every change you make in your project (adding removing triggers, changing manifest.json) will update your app.

pumble-cli logout

With pumble-cli logout your authorization info will be removed effectively logging you out of the session

pumble-cli info

Use pumble-cli info to check in which workspace you are logged in.

 Workspace Id 651122b0456aa466bf81c6b2
 Workspace Name my_workspace
 User Id 651122b0456aa466bf81c6b3
 User Name Your Name
 User Email

pumble-cli list

With pumble-cli list you will list of your created apps. If you are using this command in the directory of a currently connected app, the connected app will be indicated

pumble-cli connect

Use pumble-cli connect in an app project directory to configure the environment to one of your Pumble Apps You will be prompted to select an app and after selected the contents of .pumbleapprc will be replaced with the secrets of the newly connected app.


After you run with pumble-cli your connected app will be updated with the new configuration & triggers.
Use this command only to connect a previously connected app.
i.e. You are checking out from your version control, but .pumbleapprc secrets file it's not in the repository. In this case pumble-cli connect becomes useful

pumble-cli scaffold

Use this command to generate a project that mirrors one of your already configured apps.
After running this command you will be prompted to pick one of your existing projects. This will generate the template and configuration to match the Pumble app.
.pumbleapprc will match the app's secrets. And all triggers and event subscriptions will be generated with empty handlers.
You will just need to implement the handlers.


Running just pumble-cli in your project root will start your app.


To install pumble-cli simply use npm install -g pumble-cli or run npx pumble-cli every time you need to run a command. If pumble-cli is installed as a devDependency in your project however, you can just use pumble-cli in you npm scripts directly, without needing to install it globally.

// package.json
	"scripts": {
		"dev": "pumble-cli"

Running your app locally

To run your app locally simply run pumble-cli in your project root.
This command will make sure to sync your manifest in Pumble and watch for changes.
Since Pumble needs public endpoints to reach your app, pumble-cli will create a tunnel exposing your server port in a temporary generated public url using If you want to have your own solution to expose your server publicly you can simply add --host and --port command arguments after pumble-cli

pumble-cli --host= --port=8080


If you don't provide --port, pumble-cli will try to find free ports in your machine and listen to that port. This means you will not have a fixed port to expose, and --port solves the issue.

After pumble-cli starts your app's server, it will detect for changes in the manifest and update your manifest in Pumble. So if you are running the command without a fixed --host, every time your run this command the manifest will be updated with the new hostname to reach your local environment.

Running your app in production

To run in production after you have prepared your app for deployment and manifest is configured correctly, you simply have to run the compiled main file.

	"scripts": {
		"compile": "tsc",
		"run-prod": "node ./dist/main.js"

Preparing Your App for deployment

After you have finished developing your App locally and you are ready to deploy all that remains is that you configure all the urls where Pumble will send the events.
Pumble will need to know the host where you will be deploying because it will send the events in the new URL's. To do this through the Pumble CLI use this command

npx pumble-cli pre-publish

This command will ask you for the hostname and after you input a valid hostname it will update all the urls in Pumble.


To skip prompting for the hostname just run the command with:

npx pumble-cli pre-publish --host

To deploy your app make sure you have these environment variables set up You can easily find these values in your local .pumbleapprc file



Pumble CLI is intended for local development only. In production however you only need to run you main compiled script. This means that simply having .pumbleapprc in the root directory will not suffice, since that file is only used by the CLI. Make sure to have these values as environment variables or set id, appKey, signingKey and clientSecret in your App

const app: App = {
	id: '...'
	signingSecret: '...',
	clientSecret: '...',
	appKey: '...'