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The manifest is your App's configuration that should be registered in Pumble.
All the information that Pumble needs to know about your app exists in that configuration.

This guide will show you how you can manually create and update your apps.
You can also use pumble-cli instead of maintaining your apps manually which will automate this process for you, and will expose only the relevant details.\

Creating an app

To manually create an app with a manifest you should send a request to this Pumble API endpoint:


with this json body see Manifest Payload:

    "name": "my_app",
    "displayName": "My App",
    "bot": true,
    "botTitle": "My App Bot Description",
    "socketMode": false,
    "scopes": {
        "botScopes": [
        "userScopes": [
    "shortcuts": [
			"shortcutType": "ON_MESSAGE"
			"url": "",
			"name": "message_shortcut",
			"displayName": "Message Shortcut",
			"description": "Message Shortcut Description"
			"shortcutType": "GLOBAL",
			"url": "",
			"name": "global_shortcut",
			"displayName": "Global Shortcut",
			"description": "Global Shortcut Description"
    "slashCommands": [
            "command": "/my_slash_command",
            "url": "",
            "description": "Google Calendar commands",
            "usageHint": "/my_slash_command [first][second]"
    "eventSubscriptions": {
        "url": "",
        "events": [
    "redirectUrls": [
	"helpUrl": "",
	"listingUrl": "",
    "welcomeMessage": "Hello :wave:",
    "offlineMessage": "We are experiencing some issues at the moment. Please try again later"


All the requests to manage your apps, need to you use Authtoken header.
You can get this value in ~/.pumblerc file PUMBLE_ACCESS_TOKEN after you login with npx pumble-cli login

You will get a response with the full Manifest and your app's secrets

	//...your manifest
	"id": "...",
	"clientSecret": "...",
	"appKey": "...",
	"signingSecret": "...",
idYour app's id. This will be used as the clientId in OAuth2 request. See Authorization.
clientSecretYour app's clientSecret. This will be used to generate access tokens. See Authorization.
appKeyYour app's secret key. This should be sent on every Pumble request along with the access token. See API
signingKeyYour app's signing key. Pumble will sign every request that will be sent to your endpoints with this key. See Verifying Signature.

Updating an app

To update your app you should send the updated manifest in this url:


The secrets will remain unchanged.

Listing your apps

To view a list of your created apps use this url:


This list will not return secrets for every app

Get your app manifest (along with it's secrets)

To get the full app manifest along with the secrets use this url


Manifest Payload

namestringtrue-The name identifier for your app
displayNamestringtrue-The name that will be shown for your app. This also will be the name of the bots created when this app is installed
botbooleantrue-This specifies if your app should create a bot user when installed or not
botTitlestringfalse-The description of your app that will be shown on the bot's profile
socketModebooleanfalse-If this is set to true all your of your app communication with Pumble will be done via websockets. Currently it's not implemented fully so it should be false
scopesScopestrue-Scopes that your app will use for both authorized users and your bot
shortcutsArray<Shortcut>true-Global and message shortcuts definitions
slashCommandsArray<SlashCommand>true-Your app's slash commands
eventsEventstrue-Your app's Event subscriptions
redirectUrlsArray<string>true-The list of redirect urls that will be used to authorize your app. See Authorization.
helpUrlstringfalsenullA valid url that Pumble will link for you app in Configure Apps page
listingUrlstringfalsenullA valid url that will open when user clicks on Install or Authorize in Configure Apps page. If this is not specified Pumble will open the consent screen for you app, with all the scopes selected and the first redirectUrl in your redirectUrls
welcomeMessagestringfalsenullThis message, if specified will be sent to all the users in the workspace when your app is first installed
offlineMessagestringfalsenullWhenver you app fails to respond to Pumble trigger requests this message will be shown as an ephemeral message


botScopesArray<string>true-Scopes that your bot will use in an installed workspace when making requests or subscribing to events
userScopesArray<string>true-Scopes that your app will use when making requests, or subscribing on events on behalf of users that have authorized


shortcutType"ON_MESSAGE" | "GLOBAL"true-Specifies if the shortcut is a global or message shortcut
urlstringtrue-Url where Pumble will send the signed request when the shortcut is triggered. You should respond to this request within 3 seconds to acknowledge
namestringtrue-Unique name across your app for the shortcut. Pumble will send this name when a trigger happens
displayNamestringtrue-The name that will be shown in Pumble for this shortcut
descriptionstringfalsenullDescription that users will see for this shortcut


commandstringtrue-The actual command that will be typed in Pumble's message editor. It should start with /
urlstringtrue-Url where Pumble will send the signed request when command is triggered. You should respond to this request within 3 seconds to acknowledge.
descriptionstringfalsenullDescription of the command
usageHintstringfalsenullUsage hint of the command. It should include some hints for the text that should come after the slash command


urlstringtrue-Url where Pumble events will be sent. These requests do not need to be acknowledged
eventsArray<string>true-List of the events you want to subscribe. For more info read Events